"TBD" was the season 2 finale of Mythic Quest. As such, it wrapped up a number of storylines — principally that involving the new expansion.
Poppy and Ian bury the hatchet over the new expansion, unifying their work on Hera and Zeus. Dana and Rachel submit their resignations in order to pursue their educations. Jo and Brad unite against Zack.
Ian and Poppy reunite in a single workspace, each seemingly intent on helping the other solve the deficiencies in Hera and Zeus.
David reveals that his relationship with the widow has come to an embarrassing end: he moved too swiftly and, in a panic, he unsuccessfully asked her to marry him.
Jo and C.W. try to ensnare Zack in a recorded phone call aimed at getting him to admit that he was using Jo for an illegal ownership bid. When that backfires, Jo runs back to Brad to heal the rift between them — in order to take Zack down.
Meanwhile, it turns out that Dana didn't, in fact, get into Berkley, so she tries to use her rudimentary mock up of Grouchy Goat to get her and Rachel's job back. Though at first dismissive, Ian and Poppy swiftly see potential in Dana, despite her clumsy coding. They recognize that she has stuck with Grouchy Goat despite how much it sucks — and they value her persistence. Therefore, they agree to send her to a closer coding school and to lock her into a contract after she graduates.
The SEC arrives at the Studios. Brad has sent in an anonymous tip, implicating himself in insider trading. This, he thinks, will bring him street cred amongst his peers. Even though they're not apparently interested in making an arrest, Jo helps to create the illusion that something more serious is going down.
Rachel announces that she's still going to Berkley, meaning the two will now be separated. But they agree to remain in a long-distance relationship. To celebrate, they have sex in the office, despite Carol's warning to the contrary, several weeks earlier.
Walking in the studios, Ian and Poppy squabble over how to continue after Raven's Banquet. C.W. tires over their indecision, ultimately yelling at them to see that there is only one, inevitable path forward.
They come to the conclusion that it's time to leave Mythic Quest. Now that he's lost his wife, his girlfriend, and even Brad, David takes the news very badly. He goes up on the roof, perhaps to jump, and he finds Jo there. He assumes that she, too, is about to jump. Confusion briefly ensues until she realizes that he's in a powerless position. Attracted to what she first saw in him, Jo once again becomes his assistant.
The newly unemployed Poppy and Ian go to a celebratory meal at a Mexican restaurant. There, they try to work out their futures. Ian suggests their new project should be Poppy's idea for the expansion. Though impossible in MQ, it could well be possible if they build it on a completely new base. They agree to create Hera. Together.
- Rob McElhenney as Ian Grimm
- Ashly Burch as Rachel
- Jessie Ennis as Jo
- Imani Hakim as Dana
- David Hornsby as David Brittlesbee
- Charlotte Nicdao as Poppy Li
- with
- and
Guest Starring[]
- Naomi Ekperigin as Carol
- Derek Waters as Phil
- Mort Burke as Anthony
- Parvesh Cheena as Zack
- William Brock as SEC Agent
- C.W. refers to Jo as "Josephine", indicating that is her full first name.