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"{Breaking Brad" was the fourth episode of season 2 of Mythic Quest.


Brad has to deal with his brother's sudden and unwelcome arrival at Mythic Quest Studios. Dana and Rachel struggle to be respected by their new bosses on Teams Hera and Zeus.


Riding high on the success of the Battle Royale mode, Brad's ascendancy in the company seems complete. David soon bursts his bubble, though, as Zack, Brad's brother, has rolled up at MQ under the guise of celebrating Brad's birthday. Though he projects an air of geniality, Zack has manufactured the celebration as a way to scope out the company from the inside. His true intent, known only to Brad, is corporate raiding. Zack sees MQ as a studio just past its peak, and therefore ripe for takeover and dismantling.

Meanwhile, Montreal have rewarded Poppy with a brand new Porsche for her work on the new and lucrative — but according to Ian, soulless — Battle Royale mode. But she's using her newfound popularity with her superiors to treat Dana poorly. Though Dana came to her to learn how to code, she's ended up a mere personal assistant. Rachel, too, has been stymied in her attempts to be heard by her new mentor, Ian. But when she's given an opportunity to have Ian's undivided attention, she blows it. She's completely unable to tell her boss what her professional ambitions are.

Back at the office, Zack and Brad finally have a showdown. When they're alone, Zack finally drops his pretense, admitting that he's there to destroy MQ for cash. He makes Brad beg for MQ's existence. Though Brad complies, Zack fails to promise any such thing. Jo, watching from afar, follows Zack into an elevator. He tells her of a childhood disagreement the two brothers had over a pig. Soon, it's apparent that the pig incident is a metaphor for what Zack seems to want to do to Mythic Quest Studios. He intimates that he intends to slaughter the company while it still has value, instead of letting it die a natural death.



Guest Starring[]

  • Parvesh Cheena as Zack
  • Snoop Dogg as Himself


  • Isabella Abiera as 12-year-old Streamer
  • Vedantan Naidoo as 10-year-old Streamer
  • Ayush Raimachikar as 8-year-old Streamer
  • Robert Timothy Smith as 9-year-old Streamer



  • The episode ends with an a video by Snoop Dogg -- an expansion on the rap he throws down diegetically earlier in the episode. It's animated in the style of Mythic Quest itself.
  • The episode's title is a reference to the television show Breaking Bad.