Mythic Quest Wiki

"Across the Universe" was the season 3 premiere of Mythic Quest. It aired on November 11, 2022 alongside the second episode of the season, "Partners".


As David stewards Mythic Quest, Ian and Poppy consider offers for their offshoot game. Jo assembles the entire team for C.W.'s celebration.


Ian and Poppy, now working on Hera as their newly formed company GrimPop Studios, pitch the game to Skeleton Key Studios who love the concept. Brad completes his prison sentence and is described as a model prisoner by his parole board. David is running Mythic Quest Studios like a well-oiled machine with costs down and profits up, Jo being his loyal assistant.

Ian and Poppy wait on an offer for the game, agreeing to take no less than twenty-five million dollars. An offer for fifty million dollars comes in, and while Poppy is excited Ian doesn't believe they should take it based on his gut feeling. Poppy argues it is her call to make and when Ian agrees, her anxiety kicks in about the whole situation.

Rachel and Dana are driving from San Francisco back to Los Angeles when Jo calls them to remind them about C.W.'s party later that night and to not be late. C.W. has been on a book tour through Europe for the past year and is returning to Mythic Quest Studios.

Carol is Mythic Quest Studios' new Head of Diversity and Inclusion. She is struggling with the fact that she feels overpaid to do nothing and that the job really has no meaning. David gives her advice about how to be a figurehead with no real resources to make an impact, based on his own method for dealing with his own role.

As C.W.'s celebration gets closer, Ian and Poppy switch their views on taking the fifty million dollar offer, and Rachel and Dana run afoul of a traffic cop. At Mythic Quest Studios, Carol surprises David with her new hire - a reformed Brad, who is the studio's new janitor.

As Mythic Quest staff past and present come together for C.W.'s celebration, they learn that they are not there for a party, but for a memorial. C.W. was given a terminal prognosis a while ago and chose to script his own end. In a letter to his MQ family, he tells them that while he regrets a lot of what he did in life he would not change a thing since it led him to all of them. As the night winds down, the staff share C.W.'s own concoction -- a Rutger Hauer.





  • James Coker as VC
  • Amy Kid Waschke as Woman
  • Mark Engelhardt as Police Officer Harris


  • Unknown actor as Devin Rollins
  • Unknown actress as Candice Hollins

